Private Fire Poi Lessons and Advanced Fire Performance Courses

We offer ADVANCED FIRE PERFORMANCE COURSES for those students who have learnt all the tricks from both the BEGINNER AND INTERMEDIATE POI SPINNING COURSES and are now ready like to learn and create a Fire Performance!

We also offer Private Fire Poi Lessons (see bottom of page) for those spinners who have already been spinning for awhile - either completing our Courses or learning extensively on your own - and are ready to take their poi spinning to Firestarter level!

See below for details of both Private Fire Poi Lessons and Advanced Fire Performance Courses

Advanced Fire Performance Courses

This Intensive 4 week Advanced Fire Performance Course involves learning and rehearsing choreographic sequences, developing your own spinning sequences using fire poi and working with the other members of the group to devise a performance piece - culminating in a fully choreographed Fire Spinning Performance that will be performed on the final day of the Course! 

PLEASE NOTE - IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS ADVANCED COURSE you need to have completed both the Beginner and Intermediate Courses AND/OR be a skilled Fire Spinner with previous experience and be able to successfully perform all the tricks from our Beginner & Intermediate Courses

In order to do the Advanced Fire Performance Course - YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO successfully execute all the tricks from both Beginner and Intermediate Poi Courses and you MUST have previous experience with Fire Spinning/Dancing.  If you have not had previous Fire Spinning experience you will require a Private Fire Lesson before this Course for the safety of yourself and others and this lesson must be competed before the Fire Course commences, please contact us for further details.

We look forward to Fire Dancing with you!

Perfect Circle Poi is travelling the world! We are off on an Adventure! Stay tuned for updates as to where we land for more Poi Adventures!

Happy Spinning Poi Stars!
